Friday, November 9, 2007

Still Down: Kinda

Well my home computer is still down and I am having a wonderful time getting trying to get it fixed after the tech guy came and supposedly fix it and it still doesn't work. I have now started bringing my laptop home from work so I can work and now just hook it up so my wife and I can get online. Its amazing on how much we have started to rely on the internet.

Anyways I've started my winter training program and all I've got to say is DAMN it hurts. My legs are killing me I haven't done a lot of weight training for a while. Hopefully soon I can talk the wife into getting a indoor trainer so I can work it into my routine as well since I don't get off work until almost dark and don't get to ride much except for weekends.
I have been doing some early morning rides on the weekends. I'm still trying to get used to the cold I just come some new gear in and it is helping.

I tried out the arm warmers today and they seemed to work well. I'll see how they work tomorrow am when I ride when its a bit colder. The gloves work good. I was out last Saturday morning and its was pretty chilly and they kept the hands warm. I'll give the toe covers a go in the am to see how well they are going to work. Thanks to Bryan at Bike Pedalers for setting me up with the gear to keep the riding and traing going for the winter.

Well that's about all I have for tonigt its good to be back. I was kinda going through blogging withdraw. If you have any interest check out my new food blog poissonier dealing mostly with fish and seafood and whatever other culinary and food related issues I feel worth talking about.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Always takes me a LONG time to get used to the cold weather riding. Usually just when I get used to it, the snows come! An indoor trainer is a HUGE help. Doesn't have to have all sorts of bells and whistles.Good deals can be found. I think I got mine about 4 years ago and it's still gettin' it done. Good luck.