I've always said give me a little support and I will talk about it to everyone every chance I get. Today it is
Twin Six. When I got home from work today I had a package waiting for me. It was the new
cap and
socks I ordered. I've needed/wanted a
cap for a little while and I've been waiting for
Twin Six to put one out and they did so boom I got one. I also got a pair of the
Argyle socks, very cool.
So as I got ready I grabbed the camera and headed out for a quick ride and thought I would take some shots showing off this sweet gear that I'm fortunate enough to have. I know some of you might be saying "yeah of course it's nice they're a sponsor" but I actually do really like the gear and it's super comfy from the socks, jersey's and T's and they have cool designs. So here's some pics from todays ride on the road pimping my
T6 gear:
Rollin and showin off my cap and jersey
The Argyle but after I looked at this I forgot to bring the T6 bottles for max product pimpage. It's all right a little shout out to the shop.
This has nothing to do with anything else but the donkey was giving me a strange look.
Nuff Said
The ride itself today was pretty good compared to yesterdays dead legs ride. I did have this strange twinge in my leftf and my left knee got a little sore towards the end of the ride. I am planning on getting in a quick ride in the early am since I have to work a the links tomorrow night and for the next 3 nights. Of course there is the possibility of rain so who knows and if I get up and me knee and calf are still a little sore I'll take it easy since I'm supposed (fingers crossed) to race on Saturday. Later.
Very 'Pimp'tastic my friend!
I love the cap myself...hell, I've not even worn it as a "cycling cap" yet. I've just been wearing it everywhere I go, very sporty.
Very nice... how do the socks run? I wear a size 10 shoe and it always seems the s/m is too small and the l/xl is too large?! The caps look pretty bada__, I totally want one to ride and one to wear out. OH! by the wya, is that an iPod??! ;)
How did you manage to get them as a sponsor? will they sponsor me?
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