Saturday, September 1, 2007

Good Morning

Headed out to Branched Oak this morning to ride the trails. Met my bud Ross and new bud Mike. Hit the trail and had a blast riding we rode the 5 mile track 3 times. The track was in pretty good shape and not to muddy except for some low spots around some turns that were still pretty sloppy. There were some down trees from the high winds last week. It sucked because one tree was down right across the only real log crossing section of the track and was to close to get over the logs and then the downed tree. It was nice to get out there and do a little bit of climbing. This is a little tougher track than wilderness park in Lincoln. It was Ross and Mikes first time out there and I thinked they had a good time on a little more challenging course. Mike had the enjoyable experience of leading the first lap for a while and getting to be the guy that cleans out the spider webs. I enjoy getting out early in the morning and ride for a few hours. I feel great the rest of the day. Here's a few pics I took. I only got a few cause I was worried about breaking the camera that I "borrowed" from my wife.

Here's a pic of the bolinas ridge sitting outside of the car waiting to have its tire put on and roll

Me pre ride looking serious

Ross and Mike gettin ready to roll out

Taking a break at the top of a hill.

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