Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Night Riding

Headed out tonight for the first of the Flat Water Cycling Team rides. Nothing to series tonight. We headed out of town and onto the Jamaica North Trail. We rode it for a while and then back to town. We ended up getting in about 1 hour 45 minutes. The legs felt pretty good for about an 1 hour 15 and then I just felt pretty sluggish. My endurance is gone. Recovery is in order. I'm usually able to do a ride like we did tonight x10 no problem.

I actually didn't get as cold as I thought. My hands got a bit cold but that's not going to be a problem after tomorrow when these get in. My feet on the other hand got pretty cold. I'm not sure if it was that they went numb from the double layer of wool socks or cold. Probably a bit of both. I can't complain though getting out with the team and riding at night in Jan. I can live with being a little cold.

I did dig riding at night. I think that I might be doing a bit more training in the dark on some of the trails. I'll probably be looking at a bit more for lights. I need to get them anyways for some of the 12 (and maybe 24) hour races that are going to be coming up. The little flea that I had tonight worked for the Jamaica Rail Trail but singletrack I definetly need a bit more light.

Now I need to go get some rest. Most of the rest of the week is going to be spent recovering so I can get more out of my future training. Later.



Bluenoser said...

Hey harp picked up a set of studded tires for the gary fisher from Al today. Took them out on wet glare ice uphill and down at about 10% grade and they work awesome.

Front tire will still wash out on deep slushy stuff but all in all I'm impressed.


Harp said...

Good to see that your out on the mtb B.