Tuesday, November 27, 2007

bike in class

I thought that this would be a good picture. This is the bike of one of my students Ross. He's a die hard commuter and forgot his key to his lock and asked if he could sneak his bike in the back door and store it in a classroom not being used. Of course I say no problem. Its good to have your instructor be a fellow cyclists.

Nothing much else going on. Just started a new weight training routine (much harder) and wondering when I may actually get to ride again. This weekend does not look good and I got a lot of work going on at a consulting job.

If you get a chance. Head over to the fatcyclist and give his wife Susan and him your thoughts as his she goes in for a hip replacement in her battle against cancer. His wit and good spirits and her strength while dealing with all of this should be an example for everybody.

I had a cool first in the blog world today. Cycling Phun commented in a post on my blog and had good things to say. Thanks. Just glad to see someone read it. He's also a "get a grip" winner. Check out his before and after weight loss pics. It's impressive.



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